MIT's Introduction to Computational Thinking (with Julia) online course, (Alan Edelman, David P Sanders, 3b1b, etc.) Julia Scientific Programming online course, (Dr. Juan H Klopper, Dr. Henri Laurie). 15.053x, Optimization Methods in Business Analytics MOOC (massive online open course), (Prof. James Orlin). Computational Machine Learning for Scientists and Engineers, University of Michigan


MIT Open Learning works with MIT faculty, industry experts, students, and others to improve teaching and learning through digital technologies on campus and globally.

Built with industry leaders. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Malaysia's eighth university was officially incorporated on 24 December 1992. A university that is contemporary in  Infinite learning opportunities. IITBombayX is an online platform developed by IIT Bombay, to offer Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for individuals from  Active Local Chapters. Enhancing effectiveness of MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses).

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Quantum Machine Learning MOOC, created by Peter Wittek from the University of Toronto in Spring 2019. Peter disappeared in the Himalayas due to an avalanche Learn by doing with real-world projects and other hands-on exercises that lead to real skills mastery. Learn on your schedule Self-paced learning - whenever and wherever you want. Aggiorna le tue competenze con Federica Web Learning,la piattaforma MOOC concorsi gratuiti per soddisfarele tue curiosità especializzare le conoscenze. MOOC stands for massive open online course, but the style and skills needed equally apply to collaborative online courses, interactive learning webinars or social events. The webinars will take you through the principles of building an interactive, collaborative online learning event from concept to completion.

MOOCs på universitet En MOOC kan påverka samhället och människors liv. Den kan också få till följd att metadata från studenter används på 

The MOOC entitled, Social Psychology from Wesleyan University on Coursera, covers the why of human behavior. Topics include social psychology, decision making, persuasion, group behavior, personal attraction and more. Students of this course will also receive a network in the Social Psychology network ( We’ll learn about the how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information.

Learn mooc

MOOC stands for massive open online course, but the style and skills needed equally apply to collaborative online courses, interactive learning webinars or social events. The webinars will take you through the principles of building an interactive, collaborative online learning event from concept to completion.

MOOC is not a new term, but I discovered it only recently so for me it is new. Study material: "Climate.Now / Ilmasto.nyt" web-based MOOC learning material (developed by Finnish universities and Sitra). Available both in Finnish and  My research area is on quality, quality assurance within the areas of open ed. OER, MOOC, e-learning, online learningedit. Advisors: edit. Papers. 0 Views.

GWP, GEF IW:Learn and Partners have opened a MOOC on “Governance for Transboundary Freshwater Security.” The aim is to bring together countries that share freshwater resources – giving them the skills to cooperate so that the shared resource is managed sustainably for the benefit of each country’s population. The self-paced MOOC is available on the SDG Academy platform - it is free and This is one of the main reasons we are running “Learn Moodle” as a more structured MOOC - to show teachers what Moodle is and the depth that it has, and to help them understand how our activities feel from a student perspective, in a way that they can apply in their own Moodle courses (whether in the free practice sandbox courses we provide here or on their own sites).
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A massive open online course (MOOC) is a free online course that supports learning in a variety of different subjects. The courses are available on FutureLearn, which is the UK’s social learning platform, wholly owned by the Open University, UK with the benefit of over 40 years of their experience in distance learning and online education.

MOOCs are incredibly flexible; other courses are more  Experiences from developing two MOOC's, Andrew Merrie, Stockholm Resilience Center; How to organise a large online course without  The right way to learn something new. Learning something new can be a daunting task. Borrowing wisdom from Chanakya, Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai lists a few  Vi utgick från nätkursen Learning Swedish (LS) som är en MOOC för självstudier i nybörjarsvenska. Studierna kan avläggas i egen takt och utan lärarstöd. MOOC Mecca a 501(c)3 nonprofit that embraces open sourced content, empowers self directed learners, and provides the best of blended learning in an  Udemy is the leading global marketplace for learning and instruction.

av C Hilli · 2020 — A MOOC can involve hundreds or thousands of participants and be designed in different ways. Some. MOOCs are incredibly flexible; other courses are more 

It can help prepare you for the Moodle Educator Certificate. The course contains practical tasks and quizzes to check your understanding.

Some. MOOCs are incredibly flexible; other courses are more  Experiences from developing two MOOC's, Andrew Merrie, Stockholm Resilience Center; How to organise a large online course without  The right way to learn something new. Learning something new can be a daunting task. Borrowing wisdom from Chanakya, Dr. Radhakrishnan Pillai lists a few  Vi utgick från nätkursen Learning Swedish (LS) som är en MOOC för självstudier i nybörjarsvenska. Studierna kan avläggas i egen takt och utan lärarstöd. MOOC Mecca a 501(c)3 nonprofit that embraces open sourced content, empowers self directed learners, and provides the best of blended learning in an  Udemy is the leading global marketplace for learning and instruction.